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Building a Docker image


  • Requires Docker >= 19.03
  • Install from here

optional, if you plan to dockerize your final applications

This project comes with a Dockerfile, which can be used to build a docker image. Below are the step by step commands to build and launch a dockerized container that uses nginx:alpine as base image.

<!-- generate a build for your app -->
npm run build

<!-- create a docker image -->
docker build --tag=demofrontend .

<!-- run the docker container -->
docker run -d -p 3000:80

You can view your application in a browser at http://localhost:3000. Assuming you have the backend application running to serve the API that this docker container can consume.

Using docker-compose to combine backend and frontend deployment

To create a single standalone application that combines backend and frontend, we need to use docker-compose.yml. Below are some build instructions and docker-compose.yml that packages both backend and frontend into a single app.

Build an image for the backend

  • Configure the backend's .env as below to ensure proper communication between the mongodb & backend code.


  • Change the dataset path within the app.js

    <!-- Replace below line in app.js-->
    app.use("/images", express.static("<some_example_path>"));

    <!-- to below, before building the images -->
    app.use("/images", express.static("/srv/app/images"));

  • Build the image

    • docker build --tag=demobackend .

Build an image for frontend

<!-- generate a build for your app -->
npm run build

<!-- create a docker image -->
docker build --tag=demofrontend .
  • Create a folder Docker-App on your Desktop and copy the sampleData folder provided in your backend into it.
  • Create a new file docker-compose.yml in Docker-App and copy the below contents into it.
version: "3"
container_name: backend
image: "demobackend"
restart: always
- "8081:8081"
- ./sampleData/images:/srv/app/images
- "mongo"
image: "mongo"
- "27017:27017"
container_name: frontend
image: "demofrontend"
- 3000
- "3000:80"
- server

The spaces in the file matter. read more about docker-compose here.

  • Your Docker-App directory should look like this:
| |____sampleData/
| |____docker-compose.yml

  • Now to launch the entire application, run the below command from ~/Desktop/Docker-App/
    • docker compose up
  • Once the container is running, you can use the scripts in sampleData/utils/ to insert sampleData.
  • To stop the container, hit ctrl + c and then docker compose down

Docker & Docker deployment

You can build an image for this app using the provided Dockerfile, but it is useless on its own, since this project requires a MongoDB database to connect & store data. To achieve this we need to use the docker-compose.yml in conjunction to the Dockerfile.

Building a Docker Image

  • Before building a docker image, we need to update the .env file to contain configuration as below. This ensures proper communication between the mongodb instance and our app within a docker container.

  • Change the dataset path within the app.js
<!-- Replace below line in app.js-->
app.use("/images", express.static("<some_example_path>"));

<!-- to below, before building the images -->
app.use("/images", express.static("/srv/app/images"));

  • Build the image
    • docker build --tag=demobackend .

you can change the tag name from demobackend to anything you like, but make sure you also update the name in the docker-compose.yml file.

  • To run the app use the command:
    • docker-compose up
  • To insert example data use the script within the utils folder:
    • cd ./sampleData
    • python example.json

Known issues

  • When you stop and start the containerized app, the data that was inserted into the db will be lost, to solve this problem docker uses volumes.
  • MacOSX & mongodb-container volume problem & work around.